Hi, I'm Emily Todt

Full Stack Developer

picture of me smiling

About Me

Designer and developer based in central Virginia

Growing up in central Virginia, I was able to experience many different professions. I've been a substitute teacher, fast-food worker, insurance sales agent, waitress, and am currently a kennel technician at a doggie daycare. Due to quarantine, I spent many months trying to figure out what I wanted out of life. Because I graduated from high school with my Associate's degree, this left me forced to choose a major my first semester in college. I was lucky enough to attend Virginia Tech, but quickly realized I was wasting thousands of dollars by not fully knowing what I wanted to study while I was there.

My mom was the one that introduced me to the tech world. I had been out of school for a couple years working dead-end jobs when she mentioned web development as a new profession idea. Being as I had never coded before, I looked up what would make a good software developer. After looking up those qualities, I realized this may be something I could enjoy! Boy, was I right! Since starting this bootcamp last November, I have absolutley fallen in love with conceptualizing, designing, and developing different software applications. Watching my creativity come to life gives me reassurance that I'm exactly where I need to be.

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My Work

Foo-Bar Finder

Foo Bar Finder

HTML, CSS, Javascript/jQuery

This double-sided application allows users to find different food and drink recipes based off of their ingredient input or selected category. The recipes can be saved and looked at for later use.

Workday Scheduler

Workday Scheduler

HTML, CSS, Javascript

This application was created for users to have a dynamic workday scheduler spanning from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., allowing them to input their unique to-dos and save them to look at later.

Coding Quiz

Coding Quiz

HTML, CSS, Javascript

Users can take this 5-question coding quiz to test their knowledge! If an answer is wrong, their time is deducted by 15 seconds. The user can input their initials and save their score to the application.


Note Taker

Express, Node.js, Javascript

Note-taking application using an Express.js back-end that saves and retrieves note data from a JSON file.

Password Generator

Password Generator

HTML, CSS, Javascript

Password generator that prompts the user what kind of characters they would like to include in their password.



Javascript, MySQL, Node.js, Express

Restaurant application that lets users input the names of the burgers they'd like to eat - saving them to a MySQL database.

My Skills

Seeking full-time software engineering employment

Coming into this bootcamp, I was nervous. Taking on a full set of skills that I really had no experience in (other than a few courses in high school) was worrisome. Looking back now, I'm so proud of myself for how far I've come! I've fully immersed myself in the many different technologies, frameworks, and database management systems that the software community has to offer. Now, my skills include building full-stack web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, incorporating different API's, using Node, Express, MySQL, Handlebars, Sequelize, React, and so much more. Learning all of these different technologies at such a fast pace within the last six months has me ready to continue learning and sharpen my skills even more!

Some other skills I accquire is my love to work with other people. I find myself to be one of the best when it comes to communcation, patience, and solving problems within a team. Understanding other people, their belief systems, their mental and personal characteristics is something I pride myself in. I'm easily adaptable to all kinds of situations and find myself to be completely solution focused. I manage my time very well and will always surround myself with a positive work environment.

My desired role within a company is to write and style the front-end components that meet the requirements of our mocks and fulfill our user stories. I would love the chance to meet you and your hiring team to get to know each other better and the qualities I can add to your company.

Connect with Me!

Emily B. Todt +1 (434) 390-3523 emilybtodt@gmail.com

Follow me on GitHub and LinkedIn